

It is an Italian company located at San Giuliano Milanese Milan, Italy specialized in ingredients for make gelato and industrial ice cream.

Right now, It is one of the top 5 Company in the market.


-Montebianco has more of 50 differents base, and many pastes for making gelato and Semifreddo.

-Montebianco also has an academy for  training and educate customers.


Montebianco including in group also:

  • Anselmi, the first company in Italy made raw materials for gelato.
  • Chiaravalle specialized in confectinary products
  • Eurobisco, specialized in ice cream biscuits
  • Gespal specialized in tools, likecups, plasticspoon, spatula, scoops etc. etc.

The History:


1892- Anselmi, the first company “creating” raw materials for artisanal Gelato

1966- First company to create a customixed base in the market, called STABLIMIX

1936- First in producing indutrial spongecake

1993- First company obtaining quality certification

On 1993 Montebianco has obtained , first in the business segment of the semifinished products for Ice Cream and Pastry shops , the Quality certification based on the principles expressed by the rules UNI-En Iso 9001 .
This engagement is today summarized and gain force by an image studied to include the essence of Montebianco philosofy : innovation , tecnology , evolution.

1998- ILLVA SARONNO mergered Montebianco group

2006- New factory Eurobisco-Chiaravalle in Chignolo Po Pavia, Italy